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EatingNaked's deilige C-vitamin crumble!

This recipe is my cooking philosophy in a nutshell – recipes made with our health in mind, but without ever compromising on taste. Today I've made a delicious crumble pie which also contains your daily dose of vitamin C. Blackcurrants are rich in vitamin C which is an important component in the collagen synthesis. An American study has shown that a sufficient intake of vitamin C can be associated with good quality of the skin, while a deficiency leads to an increased risk of dry and wrinkled skin. 


Vitamin C er imidlertid et vannløselig vitamin, noe som betyr at et inntak av vitaminet som er høyere enn mengden som blodet kan absorbere, bare vil føre til utskillelse av vitaminet gjennom urinen. Det er med andre ord en grense for hvor mye du kan booste huden din med vitamin C. Balanse er alltid nøkkelen!


Other skin health heroes in this dish:
Polyphenols, zinc, and vitamin E.

Vitamin-C rumble


200 g blåbær

250 g solbær

1 tablespoon of chia seeds

1-2 teskjeer kardemomme

1 teskje kanel

1-2 spiseskjeer agave eller honning, pluss en halv teskje

300 ml havre

50 ml mandelmel

50 mL coconut flour, plus 1 tablespoon

En klype salt

1 teaspoon of ground vanilla, plus one teaspoon

10 Medjool dadler, utstengt

100 ml mandelsmør

75 ml fast kokosnøttolje

150 ml fullfett kokosmelk

Sitronskall fra en sitron


1. Take out the berries from the freezer a couple of hours in advance and let them heat at room temperature.

2. Mix the berries, cardamom, cinnamon, agave/honey, and chia seeds with a spoon in a bowl and let it set into a “jam”.


1. Start by adding the oats, almond flour, coconut flour (50 mL), salt, and vanilla (one teaspoon) into a bowl and stir with a fork. Set aside.

2. Add the dates, almond butter, and coconut oil into a food processor and mix until you have a paste.

3. Combine the paste and the dry ingredients by massaging them with your hands into a crumble. 


Ha kokosmelk, vanilje (en teskje) og agave/honning (en halv spiseskje) i et glass. Sett på lokket og rist, og vaniljesausen din er klar. 

De siste trinnene:

1. Preheat the oven to 200°C, conventional heating.

2. Pour the berry jam into a baking dish big enough for the jam to cover it with an even layer. Sprinkle over the coconut flour (one tablespoon), and then the crumble.

3. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

4. Top with the lemon zest and serve with the coconut vanilla sauce.

Denne oppskriften er laget av matentusiasten Anna Gardell/EatingNaked.