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Krydret polyfenolbonanza
Dette er vår Spicy Polyphenol Bonanza-oppskrift som kombinerer stilbenet resveratrol med tanninet procyanidin. Begge tilhører en enorm gruppe antioksidanter som kalles polyfenoler, der det hovedsakelig er tre viktige klasser: stilbener, tanniner og flavonoider. Polyfenoler er den gruppen antioksidanter som det er forsket mest på i forbindelse med aldring av huden. Et kosthold rikt på polyfenoler antas å være bra for både våre indre organer og vårt ytre - huden.

Resveratrol and procyanidin

It has been shown that resveratrol protects against aging caused by the sun’s UV rays. In a study made where participants took resveratrol and procyanidin for 60 days, their skin became significantly more resistant to oxidation. There were also improvements in hydration and elasticity as well as a decrease in the number of livers spots and smoother skin texture. However, it’s not clear whether these changes were caused by resveratrol, procyanidin, or the combination of the two substances. In order for you to boost your combination of resveratrol and procyanidin, we created this recipe below!

Krydret polyfenolbonanza


Resveratrol: red grapes (peeled), cocoa beans, blueberries, and pistachios

Procyanidin: cinnamon, red grapes (peeled), cocoa beans and apples

Ingredients - 1 portion

Half an apple (unpeeled)

10 organic red grapes

One dl of blueberries (fresh or frozen)


Two tablespoonfuls of pistachios

One teaspoon of raw cocoa (cacao) nibs

A sprinkling of cinnamon

A little liquid honey


Chop the apple, cut the grapes in half, and mix with the blueberries. Top with the pistachios and cocoa nibs, and finish with cinnamon and honey. 

Oppskriften ble laget sammen med kostholdsekspert Karin Magnusson.