Solskyddsskolan med Eva Röse - Hur väljer man rätt solskydd?

Sun protection school with Eva Röse - How do you choose the right sunscreen?

The sun protection school continues! This time, Eva wants to get answers to what is most important to consider when choosing sun protection.

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Solskyddsskolan med Eva Röse - Varför behöver man solskydd?

Sun protection school with Eva Röse - Why do you need sun protection?

We are proud to introduce a new educational mini-series together with our ambassador, Eva Röse.

Allt om solskydd
Skydda din hälsa och hud: Välj solskydd fritt från hormonstörande och fotoinstabila UV-filter

Protect your health and skin: Choose sunscreen free of hormone-disrupting and photo-unstable UV filters

To protect the skin from the sun, so-called UV filters are used in sun protection products. These can either reflect...

Allt om solskydd
Vår solskyddsguide - En djupdykning

Our sun protection guide - A deep dive

The sun's rays can be lovely and many of us love spending time in the sun. In fact, if we...

Allt om solskydd
Stoffer du bør være oppmerksom på i solkrem

Substances to watch out for in sun protection products

In this table, we present a list of ingredients used in sunscreens, focusing on potentially endocrine-disrupting substances and allergens. We...

Fersk hudpleie
3 grunner til å velge fersk hudpleie

3 grunner til å velge frisk hudpleie

Fremtidens hudpleie er her, og dette verdensunike konseptet kalles fresh skin care ... Hva er det egentlig som...

Tips om hudpleie
Huden under premenstruelt syndrom (PMS)

Huden under premenstruelt syndrom (PMS)

Premenstruelt syndrom (PMS) er en velkjent del av mange kvinners månedlige syklus, som kan omfatte en rekke symptomer fra...

Fersk hudpleie
Vår guide til prebiotika

Our guide to prebiotics

Pre-pro and post-biotics sound so similar but fulfill completely different functions to ensure our skin and gut health. Although "biotics"...

Fersk hudpleie
Vår guide til probiotika

Our guide to probiotics

Research on the microbiome has grown in recent decades and reveals that we host trillions of microorganisms in various parts...

Tips om hudpleie
Tips og triks - hvordan du best beskytter hendene dine

Tips and tricks - how to best protect your hands

Winter, heat, water, dry air, lots of hand washing, soap and disinfectants. An ordinary day in our life can really...

Fersk hudpleie
fersk vs tradisjonell hudpleie - hva er hva?

Fresh vs traditional skin care - which is which?

For too long, there has really only been one option on the skin care market, namely what we at Skinome...

Tips om hudpleie
Hvordan vintersikre huden din

How to winterize your skin

Cleansing and exfoliating are at least as important as moisturizing — but moderation is key in cold weather. Annoyed? Sensitive?...

Fersk hudpleie
Om vårt produktdesign og hva det betyr

About our product design and what it means

Meet Julia & Shila who together form Opposite House = our creative agency and collaboration partner! Together with them we...

Allt om solskydd
De 5 beste solbeskyttelsestipsene fra hudeksperten

Hudekspertens 5 beste tips til solbeskyttelse

De fleste av oss elsker å tilbringe tid i solen, og hvis vi nyter solen i rimelige mengder, kan det...